Teacher of the Year!
Dear Colleagues,
Please join BPTA in celebrating Gilbert's very own Lorena Dickson as Buena Park School District's Teacher of the Year!
Congratulations Lorena on behalf of BPTA and our association for this wonderful recognition of all you do for your students, your Gilbert family and our Buena Park community.
BPTA knows how hard our dedicated members work to provide our students and community with the very best education and experiences for our students. Ms.Dickson's hard work and dedication are obvious to anyone who has the pleasure of visiting her and her students. I was privileged to be able to join the district this morning in honoring Lorena and had the privledge to see and hear first hand from her adorable 5th grade class just how much they love and appreciate all Ms.Dickson does to enrich their lives.
Lorena, thank you for all you do, you are truly deserving of this honor and recognition.
Please be sure to congratulate Lorena the next time you see her!
Thank you to all our members for all you do for our students and community each and every day.
Carol Bright
BPTA President